The Experience
Departure Hours | Schedule

JanuaryN | O
FebruaryN | O
07:30 | 17:00
07:30 | 17:00
07:30 | 17:00
07:30 | 17:00
07:30 | 17:00
07:30 | 17:00
07:30 | 17:00
07:30 | 17:00
07:30 | 17:00
07:30 | 17:00
07:30 | 17:00
07:30 | 17:00
07:30 | 17:00
07:30 | 17:00
07:30 | 17:00
MarchN | O
AprilN | O
MayN | O
JuneN | O
JulyN | O
AugustN | O
SeptemberN | O
OctoberN | O
NovemberN | O
DecemberN | O
The vast majority of flights in Portugal are performed at dawn, in the best weather conditions. However, it is also possible to fly in the late afternoon. You can comprehend the beauty of watching the sunrise or sunset onboard a hot air balloon with your eyes alone.
In the table below, you may get an idea of the departure schedule set by the uniform daylight period. Sunrise is a reference for morning balloon journey departures, and about two hours before sunset for evening flights. But don’t worry because the hours will be combined in an efficient manner.
The flights last between 60 and 90 minutes and the return is carried out usually about 4 to 5 hours after the launch.
Weather conditions could result in the pilot to not meeting the specified hours or even cancelling the flight. The location of the balloon journey can also be changed if we cannot guarantee you a full journey due to unfavorable winds (evening flights, only carried out in Portugal from November until late March/April).
LEGISLATION Mainland Portugal
Decree-Act No. 17/96, of 8 March
Article 1.
- The official time in mainland Portugal coincides with the Coordinated Universal Time (UTC) in the period between 1:00 UTC on the last Sunday of October and 1:00 UTC on the last Sunday of next March (winter time).
- The official time coincides with increased Coordinated Universal Time by sixty minutes in the period between 1:00 UTC on the last Sunday in March and 1:00 UTC on the last Sunday in October (summer time).
Article 2.
Time changes will affect the advancing of clocks by sixty minutes at 1:00 UTC on the last Sunday of March and delay them by sixty minutes to 1:00 UTC on the last Sunday of the following October.
The vast majority of flights in Portugal are performed at dawn, in the best weather conditions. However, it is also possible to fly in the late afternoon. You can comprehend the beauty of watching the sunrise or sunset onboard a hot air balloon with your eyes alone.
In the table below, you may get an idea of the departure schedule set by the uniform daylight period. Sunrise is a reference for morning balloon journey departures, and about two hours before sunset for evening flights. But don’t worry because the hours will be combined in an efficient manner.
The flights last between 60 and 90 minutes and the return is carried out usually about 4 to 5 hours after the launch.
Weather conditions could result in the pilot to not meeting the specified hours or even cancelling the flight. The location of the balloon journey can also be changed if we cannot guarantee you a full journey due to unfavorable winds (evening flights, only carried out in Portugal from November until late March/April).
LEGISLATION Mainland Portugal
Decree-Act No. 17/96, of 8 March
Article 1.
- The official time in mainland Portugal coincides with the Coordinated Universal Time (UTC) in the period between 1:00 UTC on the last Sunday of October and 1:00 UTC on the last Sunday of next March (winter time).
- The official time coincides with increased Coordinated Universal Time by sixty minutes in the period between 1:00 UTC on the last Sunday in March and 1:00 UTC on the last Sunday in October (summer time).
Article 2.
Time changes will affect the advancing of clocks by sixty minutes at 1:00 UTC on the last Sunday of March and delay them by sixty minutes to 1:00 UTC on the last Sunday of the following October.
The vast majority of flights in Portugal are performed at dawn, in the best weather conditions. However, it is also possible to fly in the late afternoon. You can comprehend the beauty of watching the sunrise or sunset onboard a hot air balloon with your eyes alone.
In the table below, you may get an idea of the departure schedule set by the uniform daylight period. Sunrise is a reference for morning balloon journey departures, and about two hours before sunset for evening flights. But don’t worry because the hours will be combined in an efficient manner.
The flights last between 60 and 90 minutes and the return is carried out usually about 4 to 5 hours after the launch.
Weather conditions could result in the pilot to not meeting the specified hours or even cancelling the flight. The location of the balloon journey can also be changed if we cannot guarantee you a full journey due to unfavorable winds (evening flights, only carried out in Portugal from November until late March/April).
LEGISLATION Mainland Portugal
Decree-Act No. 17/96, of 8 March
Article 1.
- The official time in mainland Portugal coincides with the Coordinated Universal Time (UTC) in the period between 1:00 UTC on the last Sunday of October and 1:00 UTC on the last Sunday of next March (winter time).
- The official time coincides with increased Coordinated Universal Time by sixty minutes in the period between 1:00 UTC on the last Sunday in March and 1:00 UTC on the last Sunday in October (summer time).
Article 2.
Time changes will affect the advancing of clocks by sixty minutes at 1:00 UTC on the last Sunday of March and delay them by sixty minutes to 1:00 UTC on the last Sunday of the following October.

Flying with the Stars
Fly with the stars
A magical journey balloon overnight, possible only with the new experience of red-eye Windpassenger.
Learn More

Flight areas
We present a map of flight in Portugal, if you don't find your area please email us to ask whether it is possible to perform flights in your area.
View Map